Parsons Consulting has had the privilege to lead or collaborate on research and planning projects that positively impact systems, programs, and people. A sampling of projects are summarized below.
Applied Research
Strategic Planning, Facilitation, and Change Management
Oregon Department of Human Services, Oregon Eligibility Partnership Transition (2023-2024)
Parsons Consulting provided communications and change management support to Alvarez & Marsal and Program and Policy Insight in the implementation of a transformative organizational change for the Oregon Department of Human Services. The work entailed standing up the new Oregon Eligibility Partnership agency within ODHS, culminating in the movement of all eligibility professionals and related positions from under Social Services and Adults & People with Disabilities.
Parsons Consulting worked with staff and Commissioners to create mission, vision, goals, objectives, indicators, and implementation plans. The resulting plan reflects First 5 Orange County's commitment to supporting systems change, which is evident in the goals and the framework used to organize the plan.
The Teton County/Town of Jackson Human Services and Resource Allocation plan involved using mixed methods to identify community human service priorities. In addition to extant data analysis, community survey, and stakeholder interviews, the team facilitated two community forums to affirm the research findings and develop a community-wide human services vision and mission. The plan provides a roadmap for allocating Town and County resources according to the identified priorities, depending on the funding environment, whether increased, reduced, or stable. The plan is an important first step in improving funding transparency and accountability for the region. Parsons Consulting partnered with Program and Policy Insight (the lead contractor) and Bloom Consulting on this project.
Lane County Human Services Commission Human Services Plan (2008-2009)
In partnership with Program and Policy Insight, Parsons Consulting conducted used qualitative and quantitative data collection methods to identify community human service priorities and develop a set of resource scenarios based on identified priorities and varying levels of funding. Primary data collection tasks included a scan of sociodemographic and needs assessment data, best practices literature review, key stakeholder interviews, human service client focus groups, and a community-wide web- and paper-based survey.
Society of North American Goldsmiths Strategic Plan (2006-2007)
Parsons Consulting collaborated with Alice Parman, PhD, to develop a comprehensive strategic plan for this professional organization for jewelers and metalsmiths. Parsons Consulting fielded an online, multiple-cohort survey. Survey results for this audience were provided visually to enable readers to easily discern high priority issues and compare responses among cohorts. Parsons Consulting also contributed extensively to the performance measurement system for this effort, including goals, outcomes, indicators, objectives, strategies, and implementation activities, including action steps, responsible parties, and timeline.